What We Offer
Nasal bone X-ray
Chest X-Ray
Abdominal X-Ray
Spine X-Ray
X-Rays of all extremities
Scoliosis Screening Exams
An x-ray is a quick, nonintrusive test that aids providers in the proper diagnosis of pathology or disease. X-rays are a great diagnostic tool and usually only take a few minutes. Medical x-rays can create images of bone and soft tissue using ionizing radiation. Our experienced and nationally certified radiologic technologists use the lowest radiation dose possible to obtain diagnostic images.
How to get an x-ray
If you need an x-ray, all we need is an order from a Medical Provider.
If your Provider sent us an order, please call to verify that we received it and schedule an appointment for your x-ray.
If your Provider gave you a printed copy of the order, please bring it with you.
Walk-ins are welcome, but to save time, appointments are appreciated. If you don’t have an order, call and schedule an appointment with one of our providers or come to Urgent Care. We can perform your x-ray during your appointment.
You do not need to be an established patient to have imaging done at Lander Medical Clinic.
How long does it take to get X-Ray results?
Your Provider can do an immediate “wet read” as soon as x-rays are performed. The final result from the Radiologist will be available by the end of the next business day.
Note: X-rays done on Saturdays will be read on the following business day.
The cost of imaging includes the reading fee from the Radiologist. You will NOT receive an additional bill from the radiologist for reading your imaging exam.