What To Expect
Your First OB Visit
Routine prenatal care is essential to ensuring a healthy pregnancy and the safe delivery of your baby. Pregnancy is a dynamic time, and routine prenatal care allows health providers to monitor fetal development and maternal well-being.
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What You Need To Know
Whether you are newly pregnant or just thinking about having a baby, the best way to prepare for a healthy pregnancy is to receive timely prenatal care. Dr. Anderson, Dr. Siebersma, and Sam Skelton, CNM, offer a full range of prenatal medical and support services in the privacy and comfort of our obstetricians’ offices in Lander & Riverton.
Routine prenatal care is essential to ensuring a healthy pregnancy and the safe delivery of your baby. Pregnancy is a dynamic time, and routine prenatal care allows health providers to monitor fetal development and maternal well-being. Usually, routine prenatal care is just that – routine. However, if a medical issue arises throughout the pregnancy, regular doctor appointments enable care providers to identify issues early and administer immediate, individualized care.
The first prenatal care appointment is exciting and busy. Your Medical Provider will take a detailed medical history, including a discussion of any preexisting conditions, medication use, and whether or not changes to your current health regimen need to be made. You will also receive a physical and a pelvic exam, and your projected due date will be determined, usually by counting out 40 weeks from your last period. An early ultrasound may be needed in some cases, though this is not typically provided at the first doctor’s visit.
At your initial pregnancy care appointment, your Medical Provider will order a series of labs, including blood work and urine tests. These are important – but general – tests and not a cause for concern; however, your doctor will discuss options if you want to undergo additional testing for abnormalities. You should always feel comfortable discussing your personal values and desires with your healthcare provider and sharing the kind of pregnancy experience you hope to have.
Your first OB appointment is an excellent opportunity to learn how to have a healthy pregnancy and discuss specific guidelines for work, exercise, diet, prenatal vitamins, and travel. Come prepared with any questions or concerns, and feel free to bring your partner along so they can participate actively throughout the pregnancy.
Our dedicated obstetrics team works hard to ensure that our patients have the healthiest and most positive pregnancy and birth experience possible.
Call Lander Medical Clinic (307) 332-2941 or Western Family Care (307)856-6591 to schedule an appointment.
We’re proud to provide excellent care close to home.